After over 10 years working in New York, Judy Sin is exceptional with all things real estate.
After over 10 years working in New York, Judy Sin is exceptional with all things real estate. She is committed to client satisfaction and remains accessible to her clients day or night. Judy brings this commitment to San Francisco Bay Area, establishing her roots in a variety of local communities in Lamorinda CA to make strong connections. Judy is fluent in Cantonese, Mandarin & English, and is continually conscious of her client's best interests. Judy has sold $30m of properties within a short time because of her commitment to excellence. Judy Sin? COMPASS ????????????, ????????????, ??????????????/????????????, ??????????????????????????,?????????????Judy ???????? Lafayette, Moraga, Orinda, Walnut Creek ???????????????
Keywords: After over 10 years working in New York, Judy Sin is exceptional with all things real estate.